Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just something to think about

Hi Cooks,

Hope Y'all are having a great New Years Eve!
I just have something to bring up about our Freezer Meal group that I have been thinking about, just wanted to see what y'all think.

When we had our first meet, most of us started out with the 8x8 freezer pans. For my family it worked out great because there is only 2 of us and we can usually eat 2-3 times with this sized meal. Also since I have a smaller freezer it worked out best because I can fit the 8x 8's in my freezer better. I know for the bigger families it just makes sense to have the 9x13 pan because you can feed your whole family, but for me it ends up being leftovers 4 or 5 times, or sometimes goes to waste because we can't eat that much.

My proposal is that maybe we can start two freezer meal groups, maybe one who would rather do the smaller "8x8's" and then another group who would rather do the larger "9x13's".

Let me know what y'all think. I don't want to change what we already have planned for the January meet but maybe think about this for february? Maybe we can all talk about it when we next meet.

Have a great day,


erin j bailey said...

I like the idea. I would kind of rather have the 8x8 meals too, but whatever works for everyone else.

Alisha said...

8x8 meals would work better for me, but if everyone else wants 9x13I can try to work it out. How do you guys fit 9x13's in your freezer? I have a side by side fridge/freezer and don't think I can get them to fit! I have a hard enough time getting 6 8x8's in there!