Thursday, December 4, 2008

Freezer Meal Guidelines

I know we have talked about a few guidelines for the freezer meals, but I wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Also, some people had some great suggestions on things to make this group better and more effective. Anyways, I'm going to put some of the guidlines we have talked about and feel free to comment on what you think we should or shouldn't do.
  1. Price Minimum around $7-8 (Some meals may be more expensive and some may be less, but try to stick to the price range as much as you can.)
  2. Meals needs to feed a minimum of 6 people. (I know we have said to feed 4-6 in the past, but some people have bigger families and so I was thinking we should really try to make it feed at least 6, you can always have leftovers.)
  3. Freezer Packaging - put food in foil pans topped with foil and then wrapped with 2 layers of plastice wrap.... or if it is in a ziplock (like marinated meats) double freezer bag it. (This will help keep the food from going bad especially if frozen for longer amounts of time.)
  4. E-mail group or Post Recipes about a Week Before - This will help so we can all try to make different things, but most of all so we can get the yummy recipes to use for later!
  5. Healthy Ingredients - In my sisters group they tried to always use lean meat and whole wheat when they could. I'm not saying all our meals need to be super healthy, my husband would really not like that, but if you can I think it's good to try and use healthier meats, grains, subsititutes, etc. when possible.

If anyone has any suggestions or comments, make sure to post them! Thanks!


Becca said...

Sounds good! I really like the idea of trying to stay on the healthy side of things. It costs a little more at times but to me it's worth it.

Hindmarsh Family said...

Looks great! Thanks for setting some guidelines. Everyone spends a lot of time and $ preparing meals. It is good to know that we are all spending about the same amount and are getting a good value.
I find that I buy things on sale in advance and then I'm able to offer what should be a more expensive meal. I love coupons and clearance sections!