Friday, January 27, 2012

February Exchange

Hi Ladies,
So the February exchange is going to be on Thursday, February 16th at 7:30pm at Erin Bailey's house (17603 Sierra Creek Ln.) This month we are doing both the freezer meal exchange and the freezer dessert exchange. You can do either one or both if you wish. Please RSVP to me by Thursday, February 9th and let me know if you want to do the freezer meal exchange, dessert exchange, or both. Thanks!

Oh, and I will be demonstrating some fish recipes that I learn at my Sur La Table class on the 7th :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homemade Cheeseball

Thanks to everyone who came last night for the exchange. I have really missed participating the past few months! Here is the recipe for the cheeseball that was made last night.

Homemade Cheeseball

*2 (8 oz.) packages cream cheese, softened (Philadelphia tastes the best)
*1 (1 oz.) package ranch dressing mix
*2 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (I used finely grated, sharp cheddar)
*1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
*Bacon (about 5 slices), diced
*Green onion (I used maybe 1/4 cup chopped, be sure to use the dark green part for coloring too)

In a medium sized bowl mash cream cheese and dressing mix. Mix well using hands. Then add cheddar cheese and continue to mix until well blended. Add bacon and green onion and mix some more. Using your hands form balls with the cheese mixture. You can make them large or small. Roll balls in chopped pecans and place on a plate or in a tupperware container. LET THE CHEESEBALLS SIT OVERNIGHT IN THE FRIDGE. If you try to eat them right away they will taste like salt....awful! Although they look so yummy, you have to let them soak all the flavor from the ranch packet before you eat them. Serve with your favorite crackers, we use town house! YUM!

To freeze cheeseballs, wrap them individually in syran wrap. Then place in tupperware container and seal. Place in freezer. I'm not sure how long they last in the freezer because we eat them too fast! ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Exchange Update

Okay so I'm a little slow in the brain...and forgot to check blog comments. I only went off of emails. Here is who is in for the exchange on Tuesday:


So make 4 meals to exchange, 5 if you want one for yourself. Please let me know if I missed anyone else.



Count for January Exchange

I guess it's going to be a small crowd. Here's who is in for the January Exchange:


Please let me know if I missed anyone who wants to exchange this month. You are welcome to just come and socialize with us/eat cheeseball if you'd like.



Count Michelle and I in too. So total will be 5. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Exchange

I can host the January Exchange.

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Ashton Home

I will be demonstrating how to make home-made cheeseball. Please let me know if you plan on coming so when I send out the email everyone knows how much to make! Thanks!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Exchange

I was originally scheduled to host for January, but our freezer is filled to capacity, so I'm going to not participate in January and come back in February. Sorry for the inconvenience! ~Eva