Thursday, October 22, 2009

Exchanges for Nov/Dec

Just wondering what everyone's feelings are for the months of Nov/Dec?
Amy, Erin and I chatted at the last exchange and it sounded like most of us would be gone in November. Please comment and let us know if you are interested in a Nov exchange and if you would be willing to host. I'll leave it up to those who will be here if they want to exchange.

Dec 1st the RS is doing a cookie exchange. I did it last year and it was fantastic. Makes the stress of Christmas goodie plates so much less! So I encourage you all to participate. Let me know if anyone is interested in doing a meal exchange in Dec as well. I'd be happy to host this one but I just wanted to get a feel for who would be around to participate. I am thinking either 12/8 or 12/15. Let me know if you're interested.

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